Friday, November 5, 2010

My 16 year old self

image from here

A few off you would know by now I have a little addiction to twitter.  It's fabulous . You can write all sorts of things and talk to so many different people - for me it's a bit better than face book as it has no one from my family or my immediate life on it - so if you choose to vent there are no 'real life' repercussions.  I also like that most of the people I 'follow' seem to be uber cool and intelligent so I am hoping it will rub off on me.....

One of the things going around on twitter is to tweet your sixteen year old self. What would you say to your sixteen year old self? Which got me thinking (yes shock!)

Dear 16 year old Katy,

- Put down the cigarettes.  They are evil in a box. Otherwise you will start an addiction that at 31 you still find hard to kick. 

- Stop criticising housewives.  They are not all 'in the bell jar'  - one day you will be one and you will know how bloody hard it is.  You can combine feminism, Independence, parenting and being a housewife.  So keep your mouth zipped.

- Make the most of every opportunity.  Use your fear to spur you on.  There is really no need to be scared of everything.

- He is not ' the one' - not even close and by the time you reach 31 and run into him - you will be sooooooo glad.

- Fruit Alexia (very cheap bad wine) is also evil in a cardboard box. 

- While we are at it bourbon is bad - just don't ever pick it up.

- Pay way more attention to life - it goes really quickly.

- Pick up a camera and use it - you'll love it.

All my love your much older but not really wiser,
31 year old self.

So what would you say............................

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I saw eyes in a window

WE has a bit of a family day in the city the other day - which is a big call as we live an hour out of it and the Mr has a mild breakdown every time he has to go in but I took a few photos .  The one below was just off the main street....I added the text....

This was the Madam and Karma the wonder dog....still don't get why she wakes me at
 5am then she goes back to bed.....

The Madam and the son of my friend blowing out candles on her birthday cake....
I hope they stay close as they get older

I started a tumblr - I am still working out how to do it but it's here if you want to have a look

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The girl that changed my life

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I won

A little while ago I went here to read as Gypsy Girls Guide is one of my first and favourite blogs in the whole world.  On a whim I entered the giveaway to win a print by Jessica Swift.   Now I never win, I have never received anything from blogs but I entered because we will be moving in the new year and we are throwing out the old and in with the new - a complete revamp of our lives - and yes on a tight budget it will be interesting.  But I did win.  I was so excited to get this in the post because not only is it cool, and it will form the basis to what the Madams new room is decorated like, it kinda made me feel like I was really part of this 'blogworld'......

So thank you Jessica Swift you made my day x