Thursday, November 26, 2009

To tweet or not to tweet - that is the question?

Just so you know is is 6:41am when I start this post and for the last hour or so I have become that crazy woman doing the gardening......I had an 'Edward Sisscorhand's' moment and started pruning and sweeping my front yard.....all in the clothes that fall by the know the ones that yes may be the same colour but aren't really a conducive outfit....all while my lovely neighbours are going to work in their cars possibly muttering 'who gave the nutter a pair of gardening shears!'. I think it's the only way to do decent gardening.....bad outfit far too early in the morning!


I know that this will make me seem like I am so far behind tweet or not to tweet? I had a look at twitter last night as I am finding that with some of my greenie/political/geek news that I am looking for people are 'tweeting' way before you can find it anywhere else - also I noticed a few of my favourite blog lovelies are 'tweeting' as well. So is everyone on it? Does this just up my addiction to my screen or is it valuable? To tweet or not to tweet - that is the question?

Art is not a thing; it is a way. Elbert Hubbard

The above is just a quote I came across that I loved.....


Vic said...

I have attempted twitter twice - and given up twice - I just hate it...!

I think I am one of the few though... I don't know, it's just... not me. If I've got something interesting to say, I'll blog it, if I want to bore people with "I just made a sandwich" then I know I have a few appreciative facebook addicts that won't mind if I update my status with it. Personally, I don't need another excuse to loiter on the computer, thank you very much, I have trouble enough keeping up with my blog reading & the occasional crafty forum visit - even if it leaves me behind the pack (I never was one for going with the crowd - why start now...?).

Go you on the morning gardening!

Lark said...

Hello there, and thanks for your comment! I am on Twitter too, and sometimes it works better for me, eg when I am up at 5.30 am and too tired to write a big blog post or when I am trapped in the carpark at IKEA (yes) and I need to connect with people and pass the time. I would say 'give it a go', you can always stop if it's not for you! x