Sunday, May 29, 2011

That ad.......

I noticed today that social media , a la twitter, etc was buzzing a bit with comments about an advertisement that is running in support of the governments proposed carbon tax.  Many comments seem to dislike the ad, the tax and the fact that Cate Blanchett is supporting it.  The main issue seems to be that as she is a woman of sufficient wealth a carbon tax will not really impact on her day to day living.

I will be blatantly honest - I have not made up my mind.  I am not usually a fence sitter, in fact I detest fence sitting, but I honestly can't say whether I am entirely convinced about the introduction of a carbon tax or not.  I feel that many areas need to be taken into consideration before it is introduced as more and more families are struggling with existing in day to day life as it is.


I am in support of our democracy.  I believe in free speech and an informed society.  So whilst I still need to concrete my carbon tax opinion I do fully support this advertisement.  We all have the right to say what we believe, what we support why on earth can't Cate Blanchett?

Here is the ad....I would love to know what you think x


Vic said...

a) Do we think she gets no money from this advertisement?

b) Do we all have the right (& opportunity) to have a funded television campaign to tell Australia what we think about carbon tax?

Kelly said...

the ad was funded by the unions- its my understanding she did it for free. She has supported and paid for other 'grren' ad s and initiatives in the past. No fence sitting for me- its not a tax on citizens - its a tax on big business- they will pay pay a premium for carbon polluting- its a fiscal way of getting them to be responsible- polluting is cheap so this makes them cut their bad habit. Its rally a no brainer as far as Im concerned- when fast food and chocolate is cheaper to produce than fruit and veg... sicko society!