Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Our next force of nature

Well yes I have been away again for a while.  I don't know know why but sometimes life just takes over.  The Mr returns to working away again in three weeks so we have been making the most of hanging out together and doing some work on the garden before he goes.  I hate this time anticipating that he is going to leave (he does come back for a few days every fortnight) but then we drive each other crazy when we actually have to live together again!

My other distraction from blogging is that I am pregnant! I know, the Mr , it seemed had spent the last four years telling all and sundry how 'we are just having one that's enough!'.  Then out of the blue last year decided to want another baby - which was totally cool with me as I always wanted another.  We having been trying for a while, longer than others and not as long as some, and now I am nine weeks.  I am due on Christmas Day.......I keep telling people that's because the Mr has a God complex.

I have had some health issue during and after I had the madam so as soon as we started trying I cut down and cut out as much of the unhealthy aspects of my life as I could.  I also have stalked  followed Nat Kringodouis for a long time.  Nat is a wealth of information on all things fertility and good for you and I really do credit all the information she gives on her cleanse, blog and twitter with us having baby #2 on the way.  I had some health issues when I was pregnant with Madam and as I am 'rubenesque' (is that the word?) I have really had to get my health organised and reading everything Nat writes has been so much help.


I am hoping now I may have my mojo back and be blogging more.  I always read every ones I have just been lately feeling like I have nothing overly interesting to say...but hopefully my writers block has shifted!

Please don't worry I will not be doing anything that resembles a pregnancy photo shoot as when I am pregnant it is often mistaken for elephantitis ...I am not one of the cute pregnant girls! Here is the first photo of our next force of nature....


alliecat said...

Congratulstions on your pregnancy, best wishes for a healthy smooth ride!

Corinne Cunningham said...

Congratulations, lady!! :)

Tas said...

Aw, congrats! My youngest just turned 4 and I am starting to cluck again. But at 42, I am diving for chocolate instead of seriously following that road again,

rachel awes said...

congratulations, katy!!
heart beat beat miracle dance!!