Hello lovelies! I know I have been a bit quite here and I have no excuses but............
I am leaving.
I have decided to cease writing this blog, I don't know if it will be forever or for a week , but it is done. I have moved 'house' and am now completely at Inspired Kate . This used to be my other blog but it is now my only blog. I have tried to make it a bit grown up with facebook and twitter etc. It is a work in progress and any advice is more than welcome.
Thank you for following me here and I promise some high excitement if you come with me to Inspired Kate
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Things I want to tell my children
Photo taken by me of my two kids Madam & Mr
I'm not sure why but I have been thinking lately about things I want my kids to know.....not the usual I want you too know you were planned and not a lack of contraception and drunk night creation sort of thing....but real things...just like....
After 9pm at night and four bottles of red (or white) no one gives a hoot that you spent $100 on a bottle of wine.....so please don't be that pretentious shit who gets drunk and quotes to all and sundry how much the bottle cost and who made it. At that time of night as long as it's wine it's good.
You will get your heart broken. There will be one person who hurts you more than anyone else and this will be the person you will be convinced you can't live without. You can live without them, you do live without them. You move on, grow up then hear that they are thirty something living with their parents still and you will be so happy they broke your heart.
Don't disregard blue cheese, or any cheese for that matter, that smells a little weird (unless it does because you left it in the fridge for months on end!). Appreciate it and love it....it is good believe me.
Lead don't follow. Do what you believe in, wear what you believe be conscious in you life! Please don't follow, be a sheep or just do things, hang out with people because it is trendy. No one will respect you and in hindsight you will not respect yourself. An interesting existence is much better than a beige one.
Always have enough in the cupboard and fridge to make a platter. Platters are everything. A bottle of wine and a platter makes the world a better place and will make everyone that visits your home happier. Olives, cheese, crackers, etc.......even if you are down to your last cent make sure you have it and it's decent quality.
Opposites attract. It's fact. You can be the exact polar opposite of someone and that person will become the person you laugh, cry, fight, make up, drink, party, live and cr?eate babies with. If you look at someone and think 'I don't want to wake up without you' then no matter how different you are that person will be the love of your life.
Whether you love boys and/or girls, save the world or something else, have babies or not, are tall/short curvy,teeny - as long as you are happy and fabulous and nice to people.....the world will be better for having you in it.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Soul Food
Sometimes it's hard to accept things...sometimes it's even harder to accept things and people are changing or have changed. I think I'm tired. I'm tired of justifying why the old doesn't have to be maintained, why new people can bring fantastic experiences, why growing up doesn't have to be boring and why I'm no longer willing to 'do the right thing'.
I guess I just figure now things change, people change, lives change. My dad has always said that you should concentrate on people that give you 'soul food'
I guess I just figure now things change, people change, lives change. My dad has always said that you should concentrate on people that give you 'soul food'
....so for the Mr, the Madam and the new bean I think
I'm going to keep trying to do that.
...surround us with soul food.
What gives you soul food?
Monday, June 6, 2011
Can you help a mother out?
My friend Nicole of Ellabella prints fame is running an auction on facebook on Friday June 24th from 12 noon. The proceeds from the auction go to the lady in the picture, her name is Jen, she is a friend of Nicole's.
Jen has been diagnosed with bowel and liver cancer and as it stands has a 5% survival rate. There is treatment that could improve her odds and quality of life and that is what Nicole would like to raise money for. Jen also has a little boy and like any mum would like to be around as long as possible to see him do all the things that little boys do!
So how can you help a mother out?
* Come over to Ellabella Prints facebook page and click like then you can check out all the fab offers and products that are coming in thick and fast for the auction. Items so far include everything from notebooks to photography sessions, advertising to kids clothes.
* You could also help spread the word - facebook, blogs, twitter - auctions are best when you have to fight for it - so let everyone in.
* If you have any talents or products to donate - contact Nicole on the page.
* If you have any talents or products to donate - contact Nicole on the page.
As always, thank you for reading this , thank you if you even direct just one person to Ellabella Prints auction it would be a great help to benefit a Mum, a friend, that really needs a bit of hope now.
* Have a look at Jen's blog Keeping My Clogs Firmly On!*
* Have a look at Jen's blog Keeping My Clogs Firmly On!*
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Why girls don't run the world
This video is phenomenal - there is not really much more I can say apart from please watch it!
A big thank you to MamaBake for putting it on facebook this morning.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Adding a little bit of happy...
I read Danielle's blog Sometimes Sweet ALOT! She is such an inspiring lady - who turned me into a quinoa lover. One of my favourite things about her blog are the guests she has. I have found so many fantastic, unique blogs all through these guests. Today (or yesterday depending on time zones) the guest is Lauren from Busy Bee who has a bit of a link up going with the topic being .....what are you going to do this week to add to the quality of your life?
I thought it was such a great list of goals to make. So instead of writing another shopping list, bills to be paid list, cleaning to do list I thought I would do this......
Three things to add to the quality of my life this week!
1. I will not put myself in the position of being with people that share their negative energy and bitch all the time. If it means not answering the phone and declining a few invites I am just hoping that positive breeds positive.
2. I will take more photos......intentionally not just photos of the Madam but actual photos of beautiful things I see. Photo's to blog about. Hopefully I get my holga lens this week which would help with this.
3. Laugh....laugh as much as possible. Every time I feel the tears coming, the anger welling or the frustration spilling I will laugh.
What are you doing this week to add a little bit of happy?
Sunday, May 29, 2011
That ad.......
I noticed today that social media , a la twitter, etc was buzzing a bit with comments about an advertisement that is running in support of the governments proposed carbon tax. Many comments seem to dislike the ad, the tax and the fact that Cate Blanchett is supporting it. The main issue seems to be that as she is a woman of sufficient wealth a carbon tax will not really impact on her day to day living.
I will be blatantly honest - I have not made up my mind. I am not usually a fence sitter, in fact I detest fence sitting, but I honestly can't say whether I am entirely convinced about the introduction of a carbon tax or not. I feel that many areas need to be taken into consideration before it is introduced as more and more families are struggling with existing in day to day life as it is.
I am in support of our democracy. I believe in free speech and an informed society. So whilst I still need to concrete my carbon tax opinion I do fully support this advertisement. We all have the right to say what we believe, what we support why on earth can't Cate Blanchett?
Here is the ad....I would love to know what you think x
I will be blatantly honest - I have not made up my mind. I am not usually a fence sitter, in fact I detest fence sitting, but I honestly can't say whether I am entirely convinced about the introduction of a carbon tax or not. I feel that many areas need to be taken into consideration before it is introduced as more and more families are struggling with existing in day to day life as it is.
I am in support of our democracy. I believe in free speech and an informed society. So whilst I still need to concrete my carbon tax opinion I do fully support this advertisement. We all have the right to say what we believe, what we support why on earth can't Cate Blanchett?
Here is the ad....I would love to know what you think x
Saturday, May 28, 2011
I'm Grateful
Picture found here
Oh I have been a slack tart and haven't joined in with the Saturday 'I'm Grateful' with Maxabella for a while but now I'm back.
This week , like most weeks, has had it's ups and downs but here is what I'm grateful for (in no particular order)
* Growing up in a generation where Oprah was a major influence. I am a huge Oprah fan and last night watching the finale I realised how privileged we are to be inspired by such a great woman.
* Ginger & Ginger beer......this pregnant girls new best friends!
* Being part of the blogger/twitter community....need a question answered, looking for advice it is brilliant!
* My parents for graciously saying yes when the Madam wants to go to their place.....which means I can catch up on a lot of things!
Apart from that I am also really grateful I get to wake up every morning.....it's always a good start!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Pregnancy, Sex & Sleep
A photo I took a while ago of all the things I love and can't have at the moment.
I promise I will not spend the rest of the year just blogging about pregnancy....it's a great topic although I know it is not in most people's list of 'top 10 things to read about!'. Seeing as this is my second time and it's been five years since the Madam was born it's actually a little entertaining all the things I blocked out forgot happened at this stage.
* Trying to find a balance between maintaining a sex life and pregnancy induced narcolepsy is hard but apparently quite entertaining. I don't usually require much sleep but now I sit or lay down and I am out like a light - apparently never to wake no matter what offer the Mr puts to me! Which is painful in more ways than one because hormones mean i want it all the time but he's to bloody fussy about me being awake!
* The amount of people that say to me 'ooohhh five year age difference, that will be hard.....I wouldn't do that if I was you' or ' it will be okay at least the Madam will be at school so you wont have two at once'........well actually I tried but I couldn't get the age difference any closer because the Mr is a stubborn &*^% and I would actually like my kids to like each other at least for the first few weeks so I'm not that fussed if they both realise they have to exist together.
* The amount of people that ask 'Do you know what your having?'....at the moment it resembles something the size of a kidney bean and a cross between an alien and a tadpole so go figure?
* I forgot how yummy lemons are and have consumed far too many so now my mouth looks like a ducks butt.
* I also forgot how lovely it is to wake up feeling hungover but not having a big night out to show for it.
* I forgot how much I forget stuff during pregnancy which is much easier this time around because I have the Madam. Now when i leave the house she stands at the door and says verbatim ' Mum do you have your keys, your phone, your purse, your visa and your kid!'. I have a tendency to forget one or all of these.
* How emotional I am. I actually , in the past, have been known to be so unemotional I earnt the nickname 'the ice queen'. Pregnancy makes up for the rest of my life it seems. The last Oprah episodes may well send me into therapy....who knew Stevie Wonder could make me cry?????
* Did I mention that I want to have sex all the time but keep falling asleep???
Must go have a nanna nap.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Our next force of nature
Well yes I have been away again for a while. I don't know know why but sometimes life just takes over. The Mr returns to working away again in three weeks so we have been making the most of hanging out together and doing some work on the garden before he goes. I hate this time anticipating that he is going to leave (he does come back for a few days every fortnight) but then we drive each other crazy when we actually have to live together again!
My other distraction from blogging is that I am pregnant! I know, the Mr , it seemed had spent the last four years telling all and sundry how 'we are just having one that's enough!'. Then out of the blue last year decided to want another baby - which was totally cool with me as I always wanted another. We having been trying for a while, longer than others and not as long as some, and now I am nine weeks. I am due on Christmas Day.......I keep telling people that's because the Mr has a God complex.
I have had some health issue during and after I had the madam so as soon as we started trying I cut down and cut out as much of the unhealthy aspects of my life as I could. I also have stalked followed Nat Kringodouis for a long time. Nat is a wealth of information on all things fertility and good for you and I really do credit all the information she gives on her cleanse, blog and twitter with us having baby #2 on the way. I had some health issues when I was pregnant with Madam and as I am 'rubenesque' (is that the word?) I have really had to get my health organised and reading everything Nat writes has been so much help.
I am hoping now I may have my mojo back and be blogging more. I always read every ones I have just been lately feeling like I have nothing overly interesting to say...but hopefully my writers block has shifted!
Please don't worry I will not be doing anything that resembles a pregnancy photo shoot as when I am pregnant it is often mistaken for elephantitis ...I am not one of the cute pregnant girls! Here is the first photo of our next force of nature....
Monday, April 11, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Why I didn't want to be the last one at the party!
I'm a housewife/stay at home mum....on that part in forms where you tick what you do for a living I tick that square that says 'home duties'. I have been ticking that box for almost five years now and I love it. I actually love what I do. Sure the hours are extensive, the pay is crappy (unless you count sex as payment for a job well done as according to the Mr!) and the Christmas party is questionable but it is a a great job.
It has taken me a while to be comfortable with it, I'm not always sure I am, but I'm getting there. See I was and , contrary to common belief, am a feminist. I am a full on, lefty, hippy, "femo nazi" (yes someone actually used those words on me) and I am a housewife. It's taken me a while to figure out how to combine everything into one role, into my life, but I think it comes down to one thing.....
I do what I do because I love it...not because of circumstance, other people, influence or anything else. I am lucky enough to have a partner that supports me ( and is still my favourite person to hang with) being at home with the madam and that also allows me to pursue a few 'creative' avenues at the same time.
I also try (yes try being the word!) to approach it in a similar way that I would any daily job. Sure I have a fair amount of flexibility and I am not the most organised person but I have certain things to check of my list, goals to achieve and timeline to (yes try) stick to.
For a good ten years of my life I partied. I partied hard. It was a fantastic time with fantastic people. Yes...the 'what happened in Vegas stays in Vegas' rule applies to that time of my life. I don't regret a second of it and yes at time I do miss it. When I'm am up at odd hours with a sick four year old, trying to figure out how to pay the bills and planning weekend birthday parties/menus I do sometimes think that getting all dressed up and going out to mainline cocktails with dirty names and meet lovely men who look so much better after said cocktails would be good but....
A friend, who also happens to be a very smart friend, once said to me 'you never want to be the last one at the party trying to drink the dregs out of the champagne bottle'. So I changed it up. I never had plans to be in a relationship, I actually did not think I could have children and I was never going to be a stay at home mum but I went with the flow of things and this is where I am. Change is good . It's been six years since I met the Mr, four and a half since I had the Madam. don't get me wrong....I still love to party it just takes a different form these days. Instead of holding up a bar and paying way too much for drinks it's usually wine and platters on the veranda or a BIG night out if babysitters allow. The one thing is, if you are open to it, change can often bring different people into your life and my social circle now has a fairly eclectic range of people and I hope that continues.
I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, I know everyone's different and I think it's just human nature to have an opinion about how others live and/or work. I also don't think because you are a stay at home mum, a housewife or work from home you are immediately 'under the thumb', repressed or have lost all chance of 'having a life'....if it works for you then that's all that matters.
What I do works for me, it works for my family....I'm not one for hanging onto the past, I don't feel the need to relive my late teens/early twenties...the memories make me smile but now the wine is so much better!
Monday, March 28, 2011
The newest addition.....
This weekend has seen us add a new addition to the family......to join the mildly neurotic but
lovely Karma the wonderdog (staffy x) we now have George of the jungle (American bulldog).
He is small, but only for now, as he will soon enough tower over Karma. We are hoping that they will be 'good friends' as oppose to the weird sniff and squash relationship they have initiated at the moment.
I can now, with a small amount of experience, say that having a male dog is kinda of like when the man in your life has 'man flu' ....enough said :)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
A peek.....
Monday, March 21, 2011
This week......I will do it....in a minute
This week, this week I intend to......fark how many times do I say that! The only thing worse than being a procrastinator is being a disorganised procrastinator.....but I will get there in the end!! I was inspired to write this by the wonderful Vic who has a link up here.
My fabulous intentions for this week are:
1. Write the post to join in with Vic's linky thismorning afternoon evening.
2. Cook 40 Portuguese custard tarts and get Madam to have a basic understanding of Harmony Day that doesn't involve me getting a phonecall from kindy about her unusual interpretation of said harmony day.
3. Attempt to find outfits for a cocktail hens night and a formal wedding - I may have to have wine involved in this.
4. Organise the play room.
5. Hand out my new business cards ( I have decided to do medium/angel card readings from home) and hope that someone calls!
6. Go on an op shop expedition with my friend....I'm on the hunt for a 'vintage' doll house.
7. Work on plans for our house, garden, life, etc.
8. Get the guts up to make an email submission to show some of my photos in a local art gallery show.
9. Get rid of the mouse that just moved in.
10. Get ready for the new puppy that arrives Saturday morning.....a 7 week old American Bulldog we will call George.
So what are you up to this week? Come over to Vic's place and join in.....
This is my soundtrack now.....
My fabulous intentions for this week are:
1. Write the post to join in with Vic's linky this
2. Cook 40 Portuguese custard tarts and get Madam to have a basic understanding of Harmony Day that doesn't involve me getting a phonecall from kindy about her unusual interpretation of said harmony day.
3. Attempt to find outfits for a cocktail hens night and a formal wedding - I may have to have wine involved in this.
4. Organise the play room.
5. Hand out my new business cards ( I have decided to do medium/angel card readings from home) and hope that someone calls!
6. Go on an op shop expedition with my friend....I'm on the hunt for a 'vintage' doll house.
7. Work on plans for our house, garden, life, etc.
8. Get the guts up to make an email submission to show some of my photos in a local art gallery show.
9. Get rid of the mouse that just moved in.
10. Get ready for the new puppy that arrives Saturday morning.....a 7 week old American Bulldog we will call George.
So what are you up to this week? Come over to Vic's place and join in.....
This is my soundtrack now.....
Monday, March 14, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Sing it Saturday
We now have an i-pod dock in the kitchen.....Jack Johnson is one of my all time favourite people in the world and listening to him when I cook Saturday morning breakfast is beautiful......enjoy Belle xxxxx
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Guess who's back.....
I'm back. I'm sorry for my extended absence but I have dealt with it all and am so happy to be back blogging. I had a bit of and extended break from this , twitter & face book .....had a bit of an online and life cleanse and now I am back...I hope you are all fabulous and I actually really missed blogging. Even I'm surprised at how much this is part of my life and it is definitely is something I will never again apologise for or justify.
Here are some photo's of the last few weeks...........
* To all those who left lovely comments and supported me with the last post - you rock my socks *
Here are some photo's of the last few weeks...........
* To all those who left lovely comments and supported me with the last post - you rock my socks *
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Do I stop or do I keep going?
Hello lovelies, I am sorry for being away so long...apparently I own a lot of crap that takes a long time to unpack.
Now for a question...you know how I love my questions.....
I have just found out that a member of the mr's family has given a former family member (who i am not friends with) 'online directions ' to my blog and Twitter . It seems as though both have been 'stalking' my blog and Twitter and then repeating everything I have written....the good, bad and the ugly.
Now I know I am leaving myself wide open by having a blog and Twitter and I know if I didn't want people to know it I shouldn't have written it ...but.... Apart from a betrayal of supposed friendship/family I am really a bit pissed that they are repeating word for word everything I type! I am usually careful about who I share my blog/Twitter with and I know it's open and online but it's just a pain when the wrong person finds it.
So what do I do .....do I scrap my blog and Twitter ? Or do I say a big FUCK YOU to both of those people and keep on going?
Now for a question...you know how I love my questions.....
I have just found out that a member of the mr's family has given a former family member (who i am not friends with) 'online directions ' to my blog and Twitter . It seems as though both have been 'stalking' my blog and Twitter and then repeating everything I have written....the good, bad and the ugly.
Now I know I am leaving myself wide open by having a blog and Twitter and I know if I didn't want people to know it I shouldn't have written it ...but.... Apart from a betrayal of supposed friendship/family I am really a bit pissed that they are repeating word for word everything I type! I am usually careful about who I share my blog/Twitter with and I know it's open and online but it's just a pain when the wrong person finds it.
So what do I do .....do I scrap my blog and Twitter ? Or do I say a big FUCK YOU to both of those people and keep on going?
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This is the before photos of the house we are moving into Friday. The Mr, my Dad , the cousin and my baby brother in law have attacked it and I will try and get some photo's tomorrow to show the difference in two weeks.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Tour Down the street
Yesterday my friend and I took the Madam to The Tour Down Under Stage 5. It is literally at the end of my street which works well. I have taken her every year...not that I am that into cycling but it is a great South Australian event with a great vibe.
This year I did notice, probably because I had said friend with me, a significant increase in rather hot foreign fellas wandering around ....which of course is a good way to start the day!
They actually go through our town five times but the Madam only lasted for the first two so we made our way home and had a few beverages whilst we watched the rest of the race from here.
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend x
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Meet my friend............
Image from here
I would just like you all to meet a friend of mine Nicole. She has started this blog called Peas in a Pod. It will be fabulous because she is fabulous. She is a wife, mum to three and an all round super woman with talents and businesses coming out the proverbial wahzoo!
Truth be told the last time I saw Nicole was when we were about fifteen (I think!) - we were friends since primary school and did the drift apart thing. But now, due too the wonders of
So I would love it if you pop in to her blog, say hello, follow...........it will so be worth it.
Now I must work on getting her on twitter cause that is where the cool kids hang!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Out of the mouth of babes
As most of you know my darling daughter is four going on forty - it seems the more words she learns the more 'OH MY GOD!' moments I have. So I thought I would share a few with you....
* This morning when council man knocks on the door at 8am to tell me they will be in my front yard all day...
Madam: "I'm not allowed to open the fly door but I can talk to you through here...who are you? Do you like my dress?
Him: "Good girl for not opening the door ...is Mummy home?"
Madam: " Yes she is hiding getting her trackies on so you don't see her knickers...she said shit too"
Him : uncontrollable laughter.
* Last night when we went on a late run to the shop there was a baby left in a car that members of the public were trying to get out as it was far too hot. Along with another mum the Madam and I went asking if anyone knew who the parents were in all the shops.
Me: "Does anyone own the black car with the baby inside?'
Madam: " Have you lost the baby that came out your vagina?"
* On returning from my parents house after I have packed most of
the stuff up for the move - and yes whilst
my parents were still here.
'Mum the house looks so tidy...see you can do it!"
Just a few of the recent gems from my darling daughter.......
and yet she looks like butter wouldn't melt.
This is part of FYBF currently hosted at Wanderlust.
* Just a note as I know a few have asked - yes I went to the shop yesterday and yes in hot weather a baby was locked in a car - due to the quick thinking of a couple of lovely council blokes and an off duty police lady the baby was removed and is okay - the parents came back and promptly sorted by police, ambos and locals *
* Just a note as I know a few have asked - yes I went to the shop yesterday and yes in hot weather a baby was locked in a car - due to the quick thinking of a couple of lovely council blokes and an off duty police lady the baby was removed and is okay - the parents came back and promptly sorted by police, ambos and locals *
She & Him
She & Him - Don't Look Back from Merge Records on Vimeo.
Sorry I have been a bit slack here - a bit wrapped up in the big move which hopefully should be completed sometime next week! But here is my new favourite song/filmclip .......even when you think it may not be your cup of tea trust me it stays in your head!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I'm Grateful for....
This week I am grateful for........
1. Being Australian...I think we are the best country with a phenomenal community. This week proved that whether you are face to face or online no matter your colour, religion, race we look after each other.
2. The opportunity to have adventures and to still be able to 'see' the adventure in life.
3. Having a Mr and a Madam that can frustrate and make me laugh at the same time.
4. Being part of the blogging & twitter 'crew' - I not only learn a lot from everyone but get the opportunity to chat with some extraordinary people (in 140 characters or less!)
5. The reminder that it's best to follow your heart, be authentic and that a healthy respect for Mother Nature is always required.
This is my first time linking up with Maxabella's Saturday I'm grateful for....come and join xx
A little bit of beautiful..
My Favourite Things from kidswithcrayons on Vimeo.
I am a bit in love with Vimeo you can find the moat beautiful, creative films, shorts, whatever you want to call them. This is my latest favourite.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
What we can do....
As most of you will know there are many Australians in pretty dire need of some assistance at the moment. Queensland has been hit with the biggest floods I hope I will ever see in my lifetime. Approximately 75% of Queensland is flood ravaged. Anyway... I am sure you have all heard the news and seen the photos so I just thought I would put up some links if you would like to help.
If you are in South Australia have a look here The Queensland Toy Appeal has been launched and it's a great idea to help out so many children who now have lost not only what they had but also what they probably just received for Christmas.
If you are one of those fabulously talented crafty people please go and check out Handmade Help. You can donate things that you have made or , if your not so crafty like me, purchase something made me
As always if you need more information or would like to donate go to The Australian Red Cross
This clean up will take a long time but this is not a state problem - it is a natural disaster that requires a human solution. I have donated, am packing up toys as we speak and am looking to purchase from Handmade Help so I promise I am trying to do my bit as well.
In other news......
A few days ago I posted about a fellow blogger Lori from Random Ramblings Of a Stay At Home Mum. Just to up date....Lori's husband Tony did pass away after being in ICU for a few days. You can read what she so bravely wrote here. If you would like to read more or to donate pop into Wanderlust....the linky to donate is there as well as the link to light a candle.
Lori will now be raising her two children so I'm sure any financial assistance or even a comment sending some good vibes her way will be appreciated.
Thank you xxx Stay safe xx
** Tommorrrow Lori must say goodbye to her husband so there is a virtual moment of silence if you would like to pay your respects - on twitter the hashtag is #lovetolori - so no blog tommorrow - read here for the lovely post about it x
** Tommorrrow Lori must say goodbye to her husband so there is a virtual moment of silence if you would like to pay your respects - on twitter the hashtag is #lovetolori - so no blog tommorrow - read here for the lovely post about it x
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Because sometimes all you can say is......
A sign language version of Cee Lo Greens song - Fuck You
Monday, January 10, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
What happens when you turn away....
I am trying to be a little more disciplined this year with my writing and photography which means for small amounts of time the Madam may do some things on her own....whereas I thought she was colouring in or using building blocks she was actually doing this......
The madam decides to take that nickname literally and do her own make up - with my old make up.
Stool + agile young child = bathroom terrorist
Or..for something different takes her lunch onto my bed whilst 'just borrowing my ipad' and somewhow figures out how to watch ABC on it.
I would say if finances allowed a nanny would be useful but I'm thinking maybe a bouncer???
* If you haven't and would like to please pop in on Wanderlust and support Lori! Thank you*
Friday, January 7, 2011
Linking up for Lori
Lori from Random Ramblings of a stay at home mum wrote this last night. Basically - her husband is in ICU fighting for his life. I have never met Lori but I have read her blog for a long time. This is something you would never wish on anyone.
Lori and Tony have two small children and Tony is the main breadwinner of the family. Any way you look at it financially this is going to be difficult. So, as bloggers do, lets look after one of our own......
Today there is a very special edition of Flog yo blog Friday (which Lori usually hosts) over at Wanderlust
* You can go over and link up for Lori - spread the word & show some love.
* There is a widget thing to donate money to help them out - whether is be $5 or $500 - ever single dollar counts.
* Please send all your good vibes, pray, whatever you do for Lori.
Thank you lovelies xxxx
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The Top Six....
I love to watch a good film - yes I still call them films! The weird - and occasionally stick my head in the oven frustrating thing - is we very rarely agree on TV or film - we actually have completely different taste. He arrived home yesterday from his stint away working so I thought seeing as I again have no control over the viewing in our house (at least till he is asleep!) here are my all time top six (yes six just to be different!) films......
To Kill a Mockingbird - my all time favourite. I saw it first in highschool after Sister Pat (yes I am a good Catholic schoolgirl!) had us read the novel of the same name by Harper Lee. Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch stood for everything I ever wanted to be. For me it was one of those life altering films that i could and have watched over and over again.
Reality Bites - I was in high school when this came out. In the midst of the nineties where I was surrounded by the life and death of Kurt Cobain and the grunge music scene, being inspired by Kathleen Hanna and thinking that boys who had goatees and quoted dead philosophers were it and a bit. This movie was kinda Hollywood but kind cool. Ethan Hawke, Janeane Garofolo, Winona Ryder...loved it.
Beuno Vista Social Club - This one is a doco that is about when Ry Cooder and a couple of other people went to Havana in Cuba. They found and brought together some of the greatest musicians in Cuba, that had performed at the original Beuno Vista Social Club, and created an amazing story. They got together and once again performed, released music and toured. It is a really cool doco with a fantastic soundtrack. A guy I used to work with recommended it too me - he used to smoke A LOT of weed - so for someone with relatively impaired judgement it was a good choice.
Vicky Cristina Barcelona - This is a Woody Allen film -although I am a massive Woody Allen fan - this seems to be one of the less neurotic ones. My friend told me to watch this. One day we want to go to Mexico together - for the rumoured end of the world party in 2012. She said I would love this film....all I have to say to you is Javier Bardem.....the man is a GOD!
The Constant Gardener - this is brilliant. I am not actually a big fan of Ralph Fiennes but this is such a good movie I almost loved him. Rachael Weisz is magnificent. A story about love, betrayal, Africa and belief!
Almost Famous - I love seventies rock, I love Billy Crudup & Kate Hudson in fact I just love this entire movie. Based on Cameron Crowe's experiences touring with great bands - this makes you want to be a groupie - or at least that's what it did to me!
What's yours? x
P.S. This is the best scene from Reality Bites x
To Kill a Mockingbird - my all time favourite. I saw it first in highschool after Sister Pat (yes I am a good Catholic schoolgirl!) had us read the novel of the same name by Harper Lee. Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch stood for everything I ever wanted to be. For me it was one of those life altering films that i could and have watched over and over again.
Reality Bites - I was in high school when this came out. In the midst of the nineties where I was surrounded by the life and death of Kurt Cobain and the grunge music scene, being inspired by Kathleen Hanna and thinking that boys who had goatees and quoted dead philosophers were it and a bit. This movie was kinda Hollywood but kind cool. Ethan Hawke, Janeane Garofolo, Winona Ryder...loved it.
Beuno Vista Social Club - This one is a doco that is about when Ry Cooder and a couple of other people went to Havana in Cuba. They found and brought together some of the greatest musicians in Cuba, that had performed at the original Beuno Vista Social Club, and created an amazing story. They got together and once again performed, released music and toured. It is a really cool doco with a fantastic soundtrack. A guy I used to work with recommended it too me - he used to smoke A LOT of weed - so for someone with relatively impaired judgement it was a good choice.
Vicky Cristina Barcelona - This is a Woody Allen film -although I am a massive Woody Allen fan - this seems to be one of the less neurotic ones. My friend told me to watch this. One day we want to go to Mexico together - for the rumoured end of the world party in 2012. She said I would love this film....all I have to say to you is Javier Bardem.....the man is a GOD!
The Constant Gardener - this is brilliant. I am not actually a big fan of Ralph Fiennes but this is such a good movie I almost loved him. Rachael Weisz is magnificent. A story about love, betrayal, Africa and belief!
Almost Famous - I love seventies rock, I love Billy Crudup & Kate Hudson in fact I just love this entire movie. Based on Cameron Crowe's experiences touring with great bands - this makes you want to be a groupie - or at least that's what it did to me!
What's yours? x
P.S. This is the best scene from Reality Bites x
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Inspired Kate
Late last year I started a photography series I called 'Things I want my daughter to know'. So as you do I started another blog to be the home of my photography ideas. It is called Inspired Kate and I would love it if you popped in for a visit and let me know what you think x

Monday, January 3, 2011
New Year, new photos....
It's a new year and I am wee my pants excited about 2011 - so many ideas, my camera is back and the world is full of possiblities. Here is a couple of my new photos until later.......x
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